I’ve been watching the Glenn Beck Show this week; I don’t have a TV but I found out that the patriotsnetwork.com is posting all of his shows on or about 7 pm of the day they are broadcast. They will have all of the shows up until September 12.
For me, it is confirmation of everything I have thought, said, felt about Obama since the campaign. It is quite scary and not at all fulfilling to appear to be right in this instance.
I find it rather alarming that we now have avowed communists and radicals advising our President in official positions called czars. But, what I really don’t understand is, where is the FBI?
Isn’t it the FBI that is supposed to be vetting the President and all federal officials, especially at the executive level? Beck makes some reference to the fact that the Obama administration wanted to supersede the FBI and do their own investigations.
Well, maybe they did that, but it is still the FBI’s job to protect our country from a communist or fascist takeover from within; you know, domestic enemies. So, why are they not doing anything? Or, maybe they are but not telling anyone about it?
The FBI has always been an agency of heroes to me. But, maybe that has changed. Maybe they are no longer heroic, dedicated public servants who, underneath their gray flannel suits, wear a giant S on their chests and, like Superman, reveal themselves to be super heroes just in the nick of time.
I’m going to remain positive for now regarding the FBI; I mean, America’s Most Wanted is a show I used to watch, back when I had a TV. I just can’t give up my childhood faith in this agency. The words on their seal are Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity. I want to believe those words are more than words and that they are watching over our country. And that when they rip open their suit jackets a giant red letter S is revealed.
I hope my faith is not misplaced.
I believe that Jamie Dimon of Chase bank and Barack Obama have helped each other in illegal ways, and that the FBI should step in. I believe the FBI is afraid to take down Jamie Dimon because the stench will reach the White House and they are afraid to cause such unrest.
Posted by: Alessandro Machi | August 28, 2009 at 12:46 AM