“From the east to the west blow the trumpet to arms! Through the land let the sound of it flee; Let the far and the near all unite, with a cheer, In defense of our Liberty Tree." ~ Thomas Paine I’ve been doing some research on our forefathers and The Sons of Liberty. Hey, these guys were not so meek and mild. Granted, they published newspapers and wrote a lot, but that didn’t stop them from taking actions, some of which were violent in nature. The original Sons of Liberty was organized to protest the Stamp Act. It sounds like two chapters started almost simultaneously, one in New York and one in Massachusetts . The Massachusetts chapter was organized under the leadership of my favorite firebrand forefather Samuel Adams. After the end of the French and Indian War, it seems the Brits decided to tax the colonists in order to defray the cost of the troops they were sending to protect the colonies from both the French, just incase the French decided to try to take Canada back, and the American Indians. This did not go over real well with the colonists. So, this secret society, and I assume they were mostly guys, formed The Sons of Liberty. They would meet at night and, in Boston , they met under the Liberty Tree, which was either an oak or an elm. They did things like hang people in effigy and stone and plunder the houses of the tax collectors. They even burned some property down that was owned by the Distributor of Stamps. Now I want to talk about someone else who was not so meek and mild. Her name was Mary, but she came to always be called Virgin Mary, the Mother of God in the Christian religion. Despite the usual depictions of a mild mannered little woman, this woman was not a passive person by any means. For example, after that angel declared to Mary she was to have a virgin birth and that her very old cousin, Elizabeth, was also pregnant, Mary went to visit Elizabeth and burst into this very famous canticle called the Magnificat. So, what does she say about what God has gifted her with? Well, let’s see: First, he has scattered the proud; second, put down the mighty from their thrones; and third, exalted the lowly. In addition, he has filled the hungry with good things and the rich he has sent away empty. Sounds pretty revolutionary to me. Furthermore, she’s the one who told her son, Jesus, to brew up some more wine when they ran out at the wedding. Jesus got a little mouthy with her claiming he wasn’t ready, but he did it. This woman had some power. I digressed here a bit because I wanted to make sure that everyone got the picture that not so meek and mild applies to both men and women. Right now, we are still going forth working on the hope and faith that truth and justice shall prevail and the usurper will not make it into the White House. Maybe he will make a polite little announcement to the American people and admit he is not eligible or maybe the SCOTUS will actually do its job and find him to not qualify as a natural born citizen or maybe one Congressman and one Senator will speak up and refuse to accept the Electoral College vote. However, just in case none of the above takes place and on January 20, 2009, the usurper is sworn into office on, gasp, the Lincoln Bible, we need to start thinking about what our options are. Yes, the writing and blogging are very important, just like the publishing was so important to our forefathers. However, now we have to start thinking about other types of actions. One idea I ran across on another blog, (ok, I read Lame Cherry and I think this person is insanely hysterical and very smart), is some kind of referendum whereby the entire Senate and Congress is recalled and we put in a whole new bunch of people. Note: these things take time. The Sons of Liberty started organizing in 1765; it took a year for The Stamp Act to be repealed and it was 1773 before they organized the Boston Tea Party. Another idea is to continue to develop a national network of people who coordinate actions. So, we have the Pumas; that’s a sketchy network already there. Or, do we need to organize a broader umbrella organization that would encompass the Pumas, the new women’s groups, and our conservative Republican friends who are with us on this one, and would act as the organizing unit for some planned massive gatherings, like outside the Halls of Congress and on the steps of the Supreme Court? I’m talking nonviolent, legal things that you get permits for, but with a massive turnout. These things take time to organize because you have to get the word out to as many people as possible and we know the mainstream media isn’t going to help. We need a Liberty Tree to gather under, to meet, to plan, to act. They say that The Sons of Liberty didn’t always use a real tree, but a Liberty Pole. That’s a good idea because you can pick up the pole and take it with you, making your meeting place mobile. How about we get some Liberty Poles and start spreading them around the country? Is there anyone out there who could design a Liberty Pole? Something easy and cheap to either purchase or duplicate. It would be a way of identifying our united purpose as Patriots. Let me know what you think. I shall leave you with our friend Samuel Adams: “The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.”
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